Sunday, July 27, 2008


From July 14-19, Morganne and I went to Colorado for the Pikes Peak Invitational soccer tournament, where I guest-played on Morganne's team and had so so so so so so much fun. Her team really is awesome! The girls are great! It was a totally sweet tournament because we played a lot of out of state teams, and there were several college scouts at most of the games. ..And it was at the college that I am interested in going to once i graduate :)

Here are some sweet pics of our very fun trip! There are pictures of The Air Force Academy, the Olympic Training Center, random pics of us, pics of us wearing prom dresses :), oh and pics of us after taking 1st place!!! wooo!!!!!!! CHAMPIONS, BABY!!

Oh and can i mention that Morganne scored in the championship game!!!!!???? It was totally frickin sweet!! One of the coolest goals I've ever seen! She had been waiting for that goal the whole tournament and she really deserved it :) good job mo! Thanks for inviting me to the tournament. I had so much fun spending the week with you. Living with you in a hotel room for a week was a blast! There are so many things i won't forget! haha, we need to watch jon and kate plus 8 again :)

The Cougars at the Olympic Training Center

A freakin sweet statue outside of the Olympic Training Center

Us just bein silly. :)

Morganne and Ali at the OTC

Mercadi, Ali, and Morganne outside of the OTC "Spirit Store"

Classic candid after practicing putting at Dick's.

The coolest church I've ever seen. It was for all the cadets on base, and it had about 6 chapels for different religions in the building. So rad.

Us after the Championship game

Trying on prom dresses one night after team dinner

Mercadi, Mykelle, Morganne, and Ali after winning the championship. Look at our sweet medals!!

THE TEAM AFTER WINNING THE CHAMPIONSHIPS!! (it's gonna be in the Clipper, so keep an eye open for that soon...)

The OTC Hall of Fame

A jet by the Air Force Academy Visitor's Center

A quote at the OTC

Outside of the AFA Visitor's Center

Inside the church again

Mercadi, Morganne, and Ali after the championship

The OTC Volleyvball gym

The outside of the church

...And there you go! It was a totally sweet tournament!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Memory Tag (ali)

This is after Sean and Josh's post.

Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn’t matter if you knew me a little or a lot, if we’ve actually met in person or not, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.