Sunday, May 11, 2008

Augustana Concert (Ali)

So on Friday night, Morganne and I went to the Augustana concert. It was soooo cool! I love Augustana! We got there (it was at The Avalon), and from the outside it was really creepy. It looked old, beat up, and abandoned. The inside was alright. The stage was tiny and crammed, the seats were benches that were too close together, but I could see the stage so I was ok.
They opened with 3 bands. 3! Boys Like Girls opened with one band and that was torture, I didn't know how I was going to survive this one. The bands were Mesa Drive, David Ford, and Wild Sweet Orange. Mesa Drive and David Ford were good, Wild Sweet so-so. Yeah they played their instruments well, the singer had talent, I just didn't really like their songs. David Ford was AWESOME! First of all, he was from England, and second, HE IS SO TALENTED! I'm pretty sure he plays every instrument there is. He recorded himself playing a piece on the maracas, then the acoustic guitar, then the piano, then the harmonica, then he did some sounded like he was humming. Then all of those sounds were playing together, then he started the song. He sang and played the electric guitar while all those other sounds were going. It was so cool! He did that for about 3 of his songs. Although, one of the songs he did that for..I didn't like it at all. The song was basically suicidal. But oh well, he was one talented musician!
Mesa Drive was really good too so you guys should check them out!
K now for the fun part: AUGUSTANA BABY!
That two and a half hour wait through the opening performances was so worth it for this band! Their songs are great! Before I went to their concert I hadn't known too many songs from their new c.d. but after the concert, I was in love with all the songs. I listened to the c.d. three times Saturday morning! Then, a few more times Saturday night :). Anyway, the performance was great. They are really good live. At one point, there were some problems and the lead singer's mic stopped working. He laughed. It just made me smile because he didn't freak out or anything. He was all cool about it! But anyway, it was a great concert and everyone should check out the new c.d. Some great songs that Morganne and I loved were Hey Now, I Still Ain't Over You, Sweet and Low, FIRE :), Meet You who am i kidding? The whole cd is really great, I might as well list all the songs. After hearing "Fire" though, I was in love with it, so I decided I'm going to put the lyrics. Enjoy :D

No you dont come easy,
No you dont come fast,
Lock me up inside your garden,
Take me to the riverside,

Burnin me up
Takin me so much higher
And leavin me whole

There you were
In your black dress
Movin slow
To your sadness
I could watch you
Dance for hours
I could take you by my side

Burnin me up
Takin me so much higher
And leavin me

Like Fire,
Turning me on
Takin me so much higher
And leavin me whole.

GREAT song, and you need to have some serious lung capacity to sing that song. On the last "whole", he holds that FOREVER. enjoy their new album!


Anonymous said...

Hi -

Amy here from Original Signal. I saw you posted about our artist, David Ford, and was curious if I could send you a copy of the album.



Kelsey Facer said...

i'm so jealous.
the end.

morganne said...

Oh gosh, I already can't wait until Augustana comes back! And it was only two nights ago!!

Wow, so much to say...but so much homework to do instead....

Anyway, I was thinking, and I think being there, at the concert, was such a surreal experience for me; I never wanted it to end. I consistently caught myself being "caught up" in the music, and reflecting on stuff that's happened periodically in my life, while listening to all the lyrics. The main singer is honestly one of the most talented vocalists I've ever heard. Ever. I love(d) their lyrics, the atmosphere they produced, and the overall feeling that I left with. I know it was only a small concert, in "the Ghetto", but honestly, I couldn't care less with how well everything came about. I loved it. Lovvved. It.

We need to show off our totally sweet dance moves sometime. They could take us real far someday, ya know. :)

Superman Survivor said...

Wow, that sounds awesome! I really need to get more of their songs. The only one I have is Boston and that's one of my favorite songs.