Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, everyone else seems to be posting about summer, so why shouldn't I, right??

So, I'm gonna tell you straight-up, that this summer doesn't feel like summer to me at all. I don't know what it is about this joyous 3-month span of freedom that doesn't feel right to me, but it's beginning to bug me. Maybe it's because...

1. My house is in complete chaos because we're STILL remodeling(we began in early December). You name it, we've most likely remodeled it. The downstairs, the upstairs...basically, I've been living in a different room almost every night. Our garage has more furniture in it than our house does, we have no dining table, no beds(mattresses only), no tv, no flooring, and our exercise machine has become our clothesline. It's pretty bad.

2. I can date and drive, and it seems like so much more freedom compared to the confinement I've felt every other summer prior to now.

3. With "the house project", my family is taking very few vacations this summer, which means a lot less boating/jetskiing. I'm pretty much crying.

4. There are no hilarious tv shows on during the summer to take up my time, not that I could watch them anyway. (see #1)

5. Family Pictures. Need I say more? My mom goes insane trying to match shirts and shoes and pants, and trying to get all the haircuts done at the right time, all while traveling abroad for work. Although, with this being only the second family pictures we've ever done, I'm slowly but surely catching up to Jordan and his fam...

6. Soccer is in full bloom, more now than ever. We hardly skipped a beat after the Wasatch Classic, because tryouts were basically practices, and we're not about to slow down now. With numerous tournaments and such, who has time for a break??

7. Working two jobs(hopefully). I know, it sounds insane, having one job, let alone two. But, if you've even seen my 1920's, old-man-of-a-car, you'd know why I'm saving up all summer in hopes of owning a Jetta or a Lancer by the time next summer rolls around. Honestly, I wish I had time for three or four jobs.

8. All my friends are gone/leaving, and I get to work. And babysit. And be incredibly bored, while they are becoming tan.

9. Did I mention IT'S QUIETER AT THE CIRCUS THAN IT IS AT MY HOUSE?? Stupid workers and their salsa music. Stupid neighborhood kids that just won't shut up. The only way I get through it is the b-e-a-utiful thought of having my own room, complete with my own bathroom, and SILENCE. Ahhh....

10.Usually, I'd be having a lemonade stand right about now.

Nonetheless, Alyssa and I have composed a list of our hopes and dreams for this summer:

1. Have Alyssa turn sixteen. (it's harder than it sounds, because I've had a dream that she dies two nights in a row now, and she just left on her cruise...although, I did have a dream that I was in jail with the Backstreet Boys, and that never came true...)

2. Go swimming. (kinda lame, but we want to)

3. Go skydiving. Oh, wait, that's for our senior summer.

4. Go camping at Antelope Island, all-inclusive.

5. Tie-dye underwear. :D

...more to follow...



Lyle Jordan Parry said...

There is no way your family (or anyone elses) is going to catch up to mine in family pictures unless they take like 3 a year. 2 jobs?! I can hopefully get off my butt and get one after my 16th birthday. Oh and you were right about that whole dating thing on my blog but I asked her out like 2 months after the Christmas Dance.

Lyle Jordan Parry said...

Haha guess what? My mom just sent me a text. It says, "Family pictures Sunday around 7 ok" haha still in the lead.

ali said...

Love the list!
Sorry your house is in total chaos though:( but it will be so worth it once it is finished! Over acheiver! two jobs?? :0 i'm impressed.oh and family pictures? psh. please. haha jk. sounds super fun! I think i need to come. K anyway have a good summer!
