Tuesday, February 5, 2008

100 Things You Never Knew

Sorry, I couldn't come up with any of my own ideas of things to write about. So I'm taking the idea of doing 100 things about myself. Ignore the title, you probably already know more than half of these things about me, but I'll try and make it interesting :D

  1. My real name is Alicia

  2. The 4 important things in my life (in this order) : Soccer, Family, Friends, School (yes, it's really bad that I have soccer before family, but that's how it is.)

  3. I was born in Tokyo, Japan.

  4. I almost went to Bountiful High. And, oh boy, was I really, really close to going.

  5. I don't have a middle name :(

  6. This is my lucky number! :D

  7. My family is in the process of making 1000, (yes I said 1000) cranes out of origami for my mom's best friend.

  8. Morganne how do you not like chick flicks? I love chick flicks!

  9. Manchester United is the best soccer team in the whole world! DC United is the best in the MLS.

  10. I only have 1 younger brother. Since he's in junior high now, it seems like we have a lot more in common, and we're a lot closer now than we've ever been.

  11. I LOVE running. It kind of stinks during the winter because I can't go outside and run whenever I want.

  12. I'm not the biggest fan of country music, but I really like Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts.

  13. I did track in 9th grade and I'm really bummed I didn't do it in 7th and 8th grade because I'm not going to do it at all in high school. I only got to do it for one year. Oh well

  14. Unlike some people, I can name ALL my cousins. (Lacie, Nick, McKelle, Shae, Quinn, and K.C.) Yes, I only have 6 cousins TOTAL

  15. I actually love playing the piano if I'm not "practicing."

  16. I've been to Cancun once, England once, and Japan too many times to count.

  17. Same with Las Vegas, way too many times to count.

  18. As of now, the day I broke my ankle (in 7th grade) was the worst day of my life. My soccer life would be very very different right now if that hadn't happened. That's a long story though. And I don't know why I said soccer life, that's just what is coming to my head.

  19. My family, including my extended family, has a slight obsession with the New York Yankees.

  20. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is a wonderful series. The movie was good too!

  21. The Hero/Heroine music video (Version 2, the one about him and his girlfriend) is the cutest music video ever!

  22. That kind of goes along with me loving chick flicks.

  23. Snowboarding!! Need I say more??

  24. I really like sushi.

  25. I miss my yellow lab :(

  26. I keep asking for a new one. My parents said no, so guess what they get me instead? FISH I must say...they're not as fun. They're not as big on the playing fetch and running around.

  27. Swedish Pancakes in the morning....mmmmm. (They're basically like crepes.)

  28. I love my g-ma and g-pa bunches!

  29. I am going to Hawaii for the first time this summer! :D

  30. Peanut Butter M&M's are the best

  31. A few of my scariest dreams ever were about King Kong (never even seen it.), The Lord of the Rings (took place at Dick's Sporting Goods), Jurassic Park, and Planet of the Apes(oo, I did not like that one.) I have like a million more, but moving on...

  32. I drink so much milk in a day.

  33. I wish boys were the ones with the drama, not girls.

  34. I really want to go to Pepperdine University.

  35. Ok, really, I just want to get out of Utah. (preferably in California though.)

  36. Cabbage Patch Dolls scare me a great deal.

  37. I have a quote book. It's a lot of my thoughts, song lyrics I like, and well....quotes.

  38. When I was younger, my dad convinced me that if I swallowed a black watermelon seed, then a watermelon would grow in my tummy.

  39. I really would love to go to Boston

  40. Boston...that's a good song.

  41. So is A Place in This World, and Dance Inside.

  42. ..I'm already sick of writing this list.

  43. 107.9 is the best radio station ever. Then X96 and 97.1

  44. I also like to wakeboard.

  45. my room doesn't stay clean for more than a day.

  46. Ruth's Chris is a delicious place, and so is the Melting Pot. oo, and this Greek restaurant, I don't know what it's called. I decided I really really like Greek food.

  47. I don't like hot dogs.

  48. my most prized posession is a soccer ball pillow.

  49. If I have to make one more crane....

  50. I work at Papa Murphy's. It's not that bad.

  51. I say "pretty much" and "sweet" way too much.

  52. I'm staring at some chocolate in front of me, I shouldn't eat it....but....

  53. Jamba Juice is delicious and I haven't had it in a very long time.

  54. My uncle is one of my heroes, even though I really don't show it.

  55. I don't like most grape flavored things.

  56. Am I seriously only a little past halfway?

  57. I usually regret half of the things that come out of my mouth.

  58. Twix and Skittles are the two best candies ever.

  59. Orange and Green are the two best colors ever.

  60. bananas and apples are the two best fruits ever.

  61. I like to make wishes if I ever see the clock at 11:11 pm

  62. 11:11 pm is also a very good song

  63. I almost cried while watching American Idol the other night. How pathetic is that? But it's ok cuz Paula cried so I'm not the only one.

  64. I don't really like Propel and flavored water.

  65. But...I do love gatorade....and milk :D...and Jamba!...oh and apple juice. YUM

  66. I love mushrooms. also yummy

  67. I really want to see P.S. I love you and Juno

  68. I love babysitting my neighbors Reagan and Bubba! They're such cuties!

  69. I'm excited to go to Vegas again

  70. But I'm really really nervous

  71. I have really good conversations with my painting table at school. There is a lot of things I've never actually thought about, and wow...interesting stuff.

  72. Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays...and it always has been, I promise!

  73. I know what my mom is getting my dad for Valentines :)

  74. I'm very jealous because it's freakin' sweet!

  75. I'm listening to Don't Wanna Miss A Thing right now, and I really want to watch Armageddon.

  76. Good movie....if you haven't seen it....go get it.

  77. My friend and I were Kiss one year for Halloween. hahah it was great

  78. I'm almost to the end...kind of

  79. I really want to go to the Lifehouse concert..but it's at the Depot (FYI-that's a club.) :(

  80. I decided that my great grandma is going to outlive me.

  81. She's 96 and is still really healthy.

  82. I can play the beginning of "smoke on the water" on the electric guitar.
  83. I think I could live off of peanut butter.
  84. not really that would be gross
  85. I really need to find ideas about things to post about
  86. I love watching movies I don't get sick of it
  87. But I do get sick of making cranes.
  88. I kind of want to be a sports agent when I'm older.
  89. I used to really want to be a physical therapist, and I still sort of do, but I really don't want to go to medical school.
  90. I wish I had more siblings
  91. One of my most favorite childhood experiences was modeling.
  92. Another one was when my family went with my best friend's family to Lake Powell before they moved.
  93. I almost became a gymnast instead of a soccer player.
  94. One of my friends is from Burma.
  95. I'm not really scared of dying either, I'm scared that someone I know will die. But, if I knew I was going to die, then I'd be scared of not having enough time. I wouldn't have enough time to find my place in the world. (I think the quote from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants is the perfect one for how I feel.)
  96. In general, I don't know what I want.
  97. I wish I was funnier.
  98. I can be a pretty deep person.
  99. I've eaten a chicken heart before....bleh.
  100. hmm...number 100...i really love all the new friends I've made this year..or last year..you know what I mean. :D


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

I liked it. I learned a lot more about you.

Kate said...

Wow, I love your list! I could agree with almost all of them. If I wasn't super tired, I would comment more specificly. The only ones I have the energy to type are:
You are incredibly lucky to have only one younger brother. I have three, and let me tell you . . . .
I want to go to Hawaii!!
I heart chick flicks!
I am so jealous of your travels, the farthest I've been from home is Seattle.

morganne said...

Why DON'T boys have all the drama? Seriously! I am soooo sick of girls and all the drama that comes with them! Just keep your love life issues and your catty friend issues to yourself! I DON'T CARE!

Johnny-Bravo-Wanna-Be said...

Death to all flavored water and LONG LIVE THE YANKEES!!!!! Woot woot.

~BIG Matt