Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Beastly Epidemic??

Ok, so after just visiting several blogs, I'm(Morganne) beginning to realize that no one(with the exception of Kate and Josh...) has updated their blog lately. After reviewing the possible problems and solutions in my head, I've come to the conclusion of the broad and numerous reasons for this "blog-break":

(Brace yourself, this is deep.)

1. A nasty epidemic I like to call "A Taste of Death" is sweeping the country, and you, in particular, have been hit the hardest.

2. School.

3. School.

4. School.

5. School.

6. Procrastination, complete with your favorite 'waste of time'.

7. The dinosaurs are back, and they're busy eating you RIGHT NOW.

8. You're too busy with your business/success with "School, Drama, and Associates."

9. You have a social life! And it's struggling! So lay off!!

10. E.T. came back to Earth. You're thrilled, except for the fact that his ship landed on your house, with you in it, and now you're dead. You can't really 'blog' when you're dead.

11. Your house is being turned upside down while it's being remodeled, and everything is unplugged, and covered with dust. (seriously, it's happening.)


13. You're frustrated with 'American Eagle' because all you wanted was a pair of jeans, and it's not your fault they "don't have your size in stock", so you have to spend ten minutes talking to some lady with a funky accent so bad she has to repeat everything she says so you can understand it, and even then, you say:"What?" after every time she repeats something, and you've been waiting for 3+ weeks for these beloved pants to arrive, and they still haven't, and you're about ready to blow a fuse. You're just lucky it's not happening to you. Because, let me tell you, ALL I WANTED WAS SOME JEANS!!

14. You're still depressed about last term's grades, and you haven't taken a break from mourning and weeping to blog. My deepest condolences.

15. You're busy driving in circles and with no destination, so you can get your driver's license, a month after your birthday, and your mom is making you get every.....last....hour....minute....second.....millisecond(or whatever comes next) of your 2 hours left. Or according to her, 2 hours, 6 minutes, 23 seconds, and .4791 milliseconds.

16. Every last computer on this planet has crashed.

17. School.

18. You're on a whirlwind adventure in the Sahara! And to top it ff, James Bond AND Indiana Jones are joining you! I wouldn't blog there either!

19. You're too busy being excited for 'The Office' to start again, and you've been having re-run marathons, just to get back into the spirit of "basically-the-funniest-show-ever-watching!!" Celebrate a little!

20. You're still waiting for those pants.

21. Soccer season has started again. Not that it ever ends, really.

22. You're engulfed with the beauty of a game called basketball, and it's hottest star: Kyle Korver. Oh, and watching him play. But, mainly just watching him. (maybe this one's just me...)

23. You accidentally fell off of your bed, cracked your head wide open, and while laying there, absorbed by the shattering pain, your brains fell out. It's just too bad your "rescuers" couldn't have been quicker.

24. You're taking a stand against other bloggers everywhere. More power to you.

25. You just hate being creative. You're trying to be a rebel against all the teachers and individuals that have the idea we have to create something new every single day in school crammed down your throat, while meanwhile, you coast through the abyss of pure boredom in class, and you're still expected to learn, and "be creative! ooh! ah!", and not let your brains turn to complete mush. If THIS is the reason why you're not blogging, maaayybe you should tune down your crazy knob. You don't have to be creative. Just post nonsense, stupid stuff. I do it all the time.

Any comments? Complaints?(ok, I don't really want to hear these ones, if they have to do with the overall well-being of my blog. if it has to do with these reasons stated above, then go ahead. share. otherwise, don't share. because I don't care.) Concerns?

Ok cool.


(Sorry, this is kind of the way I 'vent'. But not really. Cuz when I really vent, it's in a journal, with a lock, in a box with an even bigger lock, and that's in an indestructible, locked, double-locked, triple-locked box, and that is in the highest room of the tallest tower, guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon. And a moat. So, yeah, just enjoy this while you can.)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What I Love...

Here's what Morganne loves...

posting stupid stuff on this blog when I'm totally swamped with homework

'The Office'

playing soccer

watching football games

watching U of U football games

March Madness

the number 16

going jetskiing

Breaking Benjamin, Sum 41, and Anberlin. And Blink 182.

when my mom comes back from a long trip


chinese food

watching "America's Next Top Model". Maybe it's my guilty pleasure or something.

sleeping late

eating ham fried rice for breakfast


reading books from Nicholas Sparks, John Steinbeck (not just because of English...), and others

going shopping

having crazy-wild dreams, and then wondering if they'd ever come true

being silly

dressing "comfy"

asking my brother how his work was



not having homework

going on vacations

'ocean and marine-y' stuff (I know...I know... Very technical.)

most sports in general

blasting pump-up music

that's it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

10 Years Ago (Ali)

Kels tagged me- here it goes:

10 years ago I was 5 years old in first grade. I had Mrs...Smith..i think. Ok teacher, she was good, she was just no fun. I loved playing soccer, playing with my friends, and I was really into gymnastics too.

*5 things to do on my list today*

1. Go to work:(
2. Maybe to my biology assignment.
3. Call Katie :D
4. Eat dinner
5. Practice the piano... WOW-what a lame day!

*5 snacks I enjoy*

1. granola bars
2. wheat thins
3. apples bananas watermelon....pretty much all fruit
4. oreo shakes
5. cookie dough!

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionare?

haha we just wrote about this in english today.
my answer is soooo lame. I would invest all the money i have. Yes, that's it. I wouldn't spend a penny at first (well, i can't make any promises). But anyway, i guess that's what i get for growing up with a financial advisor for a daddy.

*5 places I have lived*

1. Centerville, Utah
2. Tokyo
3. My g-ma's
4. my room
5. thats it....

*5 Jobs I have had*

1. babysitting
2. Firehouse bleh!!
3. Papa Murpheys where i'm headed to in a minute
4. mowing the lawn (my summer job)
5. being my dad's receptionist this last summer

*5 things you don't know about me*

1. I loooooove chick flicks
2. I have a screw in my ankle
3. I really would rather go hang out with this certain boy than go to work today..
4. I had a great time in vegas this weekend! But i was sooo nervous
5. I quit cold turkey haha Morganne!

k, i tag Morganne, Kate, Sean....i guess thats it.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lyrics (Ali)

I love it when I hear a really good song with great lyrics; when it has a good message or a good story, or it's just really cute and it makes me smile :) Here are some songs that I love what they're about:

Best Days-Graham Colton
A Day Late-Anberlin (But for me, you have to listen to the acoustic version to get the full effect. Both versions are awesome though)
A Place In This World-Taylor Swift
It's My Life-Bon Jovi
A Lifetime-Better Than Ezra
Thunder-Boys Like Girls
Fall For You-Secondhand Serenade
Hey There Delilah-Plain White T's This one just makes me smile :)
How To Save A Life-The Fray
When You Look Me In the Eyes-The Jonas Brothers this one is too cute :)
First Time-Lifehouse
Don't Laugh At Me-Mark Wills
Let Me Take You There-Plain White T's
If Everyone Cared-Nickleback
Any Other World-Mika
Graduation-Vitamin C Remember that song?
You're Not Alone-Saosin
How Far We've Come-Matchbox 20
Runaway Love-Ludacris and Mary J Blige
Je fais de toi mon essentiel-Emanuel Moire (I read the English translation when I first heard it)
You and Me-Lifehouse
Iris-Goo Goo Dolls
The Great Escape-Boys Like Girls
Bless The Broken Road-Rascal Flats

That's all I can think of for now, but I know there are a ton more. Let me know if you think of some! :D

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Random Points to Ponder (part 2)

Sorry, I've (Morganne(I'm kinda getting tired of always having to say who's talking/writing....))been busy as of late, and that's why it took me over a week to post again. Anyway, here's some more "random points to ponder" (imagine that in deep broadcasting voice)....

Can you cry under water?

If money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?

If bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?

Why do you have to "put your two cents in", but you only get "a penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra cent going?

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

How is it that we figured out how to put a man on the moon before we decided to put wheels on luggage?

Why is the saying "...slept like a baby", when babies wake up crying every other hour?

When a deaf person goes to court, is it still called a hearing?

Why do people pay to go to the top of tall buildings, and then use binoculars to look at things on the ground?

If a 911 operator has a heart attack, who do they call?

Do illiterate people receive the full effect of Alphabet soup?

If the professor on Gilligan's island can make a radio out of a coconut, then why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why does Goofy stand on two feet, when Pluto stands on four? They're both dogs!!

Why do dogs get mad at you when you blow in their face, but when they ride in a car, they stick their head out of the window?

Can bald people have hairline fractures?

What's the difference between a novel and a book?

How old do you have to be for you to "die of old age"?

Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

In the library, do they put the bible in the non-fiction or fiction section?

How did Walt Disney figure out how to get people pay to stand in line all day?

I hope you just enjoyed MY FIRST POST BEING SIXTEEN!! :)