Monday, June 23, 2008

Copying Morganne...TWICE

Sorry Morganne. I'm extremely bored and I don't know what to write about so I'm going to copy you twice. Here is an update of my life, and the 10 hottest men I've ever seen :)


It is summer! :D I'm really not that busy..and it is hard to write this after Morganne's post on her average week..I sound lazy.

Job: still employed at Papa Murphys. Key word there-EMPLOYED. Doesn't mean I actually work. haha-jk, my boss got mad at me because I was always so busy with soccer and never had time to work. "You need to make a decision" said Dave. I made a decision, and worked...once that week. Now that it's summer, my time has cleared up a little and I'm back to work. It isn't that bad, I still get time to hang out.. I'm not making as much as the rest of my friends, but all I need is just a little extra cash.

Soccer: wow, big change here. At the end of the school year, something happened with my team. It all came as a big shock, and I'm still a little confused. I have found a team though and I love it. They are called Impact Black. They tied for second in the state last season so I was a little shocked when I made it, then I was scared to start practicing..but it's been good. The girls are sooo nice. The coach's main thing with the team is that all of the girl's get along, no cliques or anything. They were so welcoming and there is no drama on the team...for the few weeks I've been on it. The only downside...they practice in Sugarhouse. My parents are so grateful I now have my license. I guess it isn't too bad. I like driving, and i blast my music so it's fun..the only part i don't like is having to leave so early when I'm having fun with people.

I was also supposed to be going to San Francisco with my family in 2 weeks..and my dear friend Katie was going to be going at the same time with her daddy but things have changed! I'm going to Vegas! Again! This is the 3rd time in a year. I went in Nov, March, and now July! Boy is it going to be hot. I'm going to die of heat stroke, i can feel it. I thought C-ville was hot. Whew! Anywho, my soccer team is playing in some friendlies with some teams down there..and if they are impressed with us..they are letting us come back for the College Showcase!!! :D My family is still going to SF, I'm a little bummed I can't go since I've never been, but oh well. i'd rather be playing soccer!..even if it is in 120 degree weather.. there's about as much update as I feel like giving right now.

Top 10
(in no particular order)

Paul Walker

Mark Wahlberg

Cristiano Ronaldo Go Man U!

Joe Cole

Benjamin Makenzie

Ryan Gosling

Jensen Ackles

Shane West

Milo Ventimiglia

the boy in this picture. he's so cute :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

...Something Matt Cannot Copy

My life.

Here's an incredibly boring update on my life, and how I'm just as busy now as I am during the school year.

Morganne's week in a nutshell:

SUNDAY: Go to church, become spiritually enlightened, family activities, sometimes fast until I get a headache, ya know.

MONDAY: Wake up at 6, drive through rush-hour traffic clear out to West Valley, babysit(actually, the more specific term is "nanny") two of my cousins, listen to screaming and whining all day, keep my patience, maneuver my way home through rush-hour traffic again, get home around 5:30, maybe make something of my social life, or go to the gym with Alyssa, come home, shower, go to bed.

TUESDAY: Go to the gym sometime before noon, shower, get ready for work, leave for the Bakery around 2 or 3, leave work at 4:30 to go to soccer practice, become an expert at soccer from 5:30-8:00, come back to work around 8:30, stay until I'm done, usually around 11, or later, come home, shower, go to bed.

WEDNESDAY: Wake up at 6(again), drive through rush-hour traffic clear out to West Valley....pretty much just the same as Monday.

THURSDAY: Wake up at 6(yes, again), leave my house around 7, drive through rush-hour traffic clear out to West Valley, babysit two of my cousins, listen to screaming and whining all day, keep my patience, maneuver my way to soccer practice by 5:30, leave soccer at 8, get home around 8:30, catch a breath, shower, go to bed.

FRIDAY: Go to the gym sometime before noon, shower, get ready for work, go to the Bakery around 1, 2, or 3, get finished whenever I'm done, try(once again) to make something of my social life.

SATURDAY: Wake up around 8:30, get ready for work, go to Dick's around 9:45, leave whenever we're done(usually around 2 or so), come home, attend whatever fun festivity is planned for the night, come home, sleep.

Rinse and Repeat.

p.s.(this is forgetting to include when I have to... eat, do my daily "chores", dentist/doctor appointments, babysitting younger siblings, running errands, shopping online, blogging, etc.)

Matt(and Jordan, for this matter), why don't you try some way to copy my life onto your blog. Not the idea, but my life. Good luck.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Top Hot Men

Alyssa and I(Morganne) like men. Especially hot ones that are incredibly out of our reach. Some of which are...


Chad Michael Murray

Hugh Laurie (favorite old man)

Jake Gyllenhaal (favorite man ever)

Johnny Depp


Heath Ledger

Joe Jonas

Kevin Costner (favorite old man)

Kyle Korver (favorite man ever)


William Hung (favorite Asian singer)

Leonardo DiCaprio

Gerard Butler (Morganne's favorite)

Brad Pitt

Channing Tatum

Christian Bale

David Beckham

So there you are. We're tired. And delirious. And yeah, so there's our unattainable hot men we love.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So I just got back from Hawaii this morning. It was my first time and it was a blast! Except..I'm burnt to a crisp. Anyway, here are a lot of pictures! Enjoy!

This is the view from my hotel

My birthday dinner at Roy's. Very yummy!

A VERY pretty place -I took these pictures :)

Surfing Lessons!

Pineapple Plantation

North Shore

So there are some pictures of my trip! I have a lot more that I want to put up but that'd take a while. We also went to Pearl Harbor which was pretty neat, and we went to a Luau which was way fun! Anyway, hope the summers are going great for everyone! I'll probably do another post on "an update on my life" since a few people seem to be doing that, but that will be for another time when i'm bored. Have a good day! :)

*By the way, I got my license! :D

Monday, June 9, 2008


After observing the numerous extraordinary people and events around me, I feel like a bit of thanks is needed...

Congratulations.... to me. Yes, I've done it, I have officially mastered the art of obtaining two jobs throughout the summer. I know, I know... I'm pretty good at being busy. No need to be jealous...

Congratulations.... to Alyssa. She's successfully back from her cruise, and as an added bonus, ALIVE. Three cheers for her.

Congratulations.... to me. Again. I've officially started reading my choice of books, since last August! I'm pretty proud.

Congratulations.... to the neighborhood kids who are STILL providing enough noise and high-pitched shrieks to drive a dog literally insane.

Congratulations.... to me(again again(it's my blog, ok??)) for almost re-breaking Josh's nose. (which I still feel A-W-F-U-L for, btw...)

Congratulations.... to the Dick's Market Bakery Decorating Division for allowing me to find my calling in life. Let me tell you, this is the first job I've ever loved, and not just because I can eat leftover brownies whenever I want.

Congratulations.... to me for creating the lamest blog post ever, right now.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pointless Post (Ali)

I felt like posting something...but I didn't know what.
So, here are the lyrics to an extremely good song that you should listen to if you haven't heard it yet.

"Skyway Avenue"
We the Kings

She said let's change our luck
This night is all we've got
Drive fast until we crash
This dead end life
Sweet dreams that won't come true
I'd leave it all for you
Brick walls are closing in
Let's make a run tonight

Blinded by the lights
Hold you through forever
Won't let you go

Cause if you jump
I will jump too
We will fall together
From the building's ledge
Never looking back at what we've done
We'll say it was love
Cause I would die for you
On skyway avenue

She said don't change your mind
Let's leave this town behind
We'll race right off the cliff
They will remember this
It all got so mundane
With you I'm back again
Just take me by the hand
We're close to the edge

Blinded by the lights
Hold you through forever
Won't let you go

Cause if you jump
I will jump too
We will fall together
From the building's ledge
Never looking back at what we've done
We'll say it was love
Cause I would die for you
On skyway avenue

Where are your guts to fly
Soaring through, through the night
And if you take that last step
I'll follow you
Leave the edge and fly
We're finally alive

Cause if you jump
I will jump too
We will fall together
From the building's ledge
Never looking back at what we've done
We'll say it was love
Cause I would die for you
On skyway avenue
So what's left to prove
We have made it through

Pretty good song. Yep so there is my pointless post, but oh well. Guess what though? Tomorrow I leave for Hawaii!! :D Also, tomorrow? My 16th b-day! Also, right before we head to the airport..I get to go get my license! I'm excited! Have a super fun week!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, everyone else seems to be posting about summer, so why shouldn't I, right??

So, I'm gonna tell you straight-up, that this summer doesn't feel like summer to me at all. I don't know what it is about this joyous 3-month span of freedom that doesn't feel right to me, but it's beginning to bug me. Maybe it's because...

1. My house is in complete chaos because we're STILL remodeling(we began in early December). You name it, we've most likely remodeled it. The downstairs, the upstairs...basically, I've been living in a different room almost every night. Our garage has more furniture in it than our house does, we have no dining table, no beds(mattresses only), no tv, no flooring, and our exercise machine has become our clothesline. It's pretty bad.

2. I can date and drive, and it seems like so much more freedom compared to the confinement I've felt every other summer prior to now.

3. With "the house project", my family is taking very few vacations this summer, which means a lot less boating/jetskiing. I'm pretty much crying.

4. There are no hilarious tv shows on during the summer to take up my time, not that I could watch them anyway. (see #1)

5. Family Pictures. Need I say more? My mom goes insane trying to match shirts and shoes and pants, and trying to get all the haircuts done at the right time, all while traveling abroad for work. Although, with this being only the second family pictures we've ever done, I'm slowly but surely catching up to Jordan and his fam...

6. Soccer is in full bloom, more now than ever. We hardly skipped a beat after the Wasatch Classic, because tryouts were basically practices, and we're not about to slow down now. With numerous tournaments and such, who has time for a break??

7. Working two jobs(hopefully). I know, it sounds insane, having one job, let alone two. But, if you've even seen my 1920's, old-man-of-a-car, you'd know why I'm saving up all summer in hopes of owning a Jetta or a Lancer by the time next summer rolls around. Honestly, I wish I had time for three or four jobs.

8. All my friends are gone/leaving, and I get to work. And babysit. And be incredibly bored, while they are becoming tan.

9. Did I mention IT'S QUIETER AT THE CIRCUS THAN IT IS AT MY HOUSE?? Stupid workers and their salsa music. Stupid neighborhood kids that just won't shut up. The only way I get through it is the b-e-a-utiful thought of having my own room, complete with my own bathroom, and SILENCE. Ahhh....

10.Usually, I'd be having a lemonade stand right about now.

Nonetheless, Alyssa and I have composed a list of our hopes and dreams for this summer:

1. Have Alyssa turn sixteen. (it's harder than it sounds, because I've had a dream that she dies two nights in a row now, and she just left on her cruise...although, I did have a dream that I was in jail with the Backstreet Boys, and that never came true...)

2. Go swimming. (kinda lame, but we want to)

3. Go skydiving. Oh, wait, that's for our senior summer.

4. Go camping at Antelope Island, all-inclusive.

5. Tie-dye underwear. :D

...more to follow...