Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's Official

Well, it's official. Ali and I's duo-blogging-business is over. That's right, I'm(Morganne) branching out, and creating my own blog. Mainly so I just don't have to specify who's writing anymore(see first parentheses), and because we both just post our own stuff on our own time anyway. Idk if she'll just change this blog for hers, or create a whole new one, but we'll just have to see what happens there.

Morganne's Official New Blog is at, so be sure to check it out, and change Ali and I's link on your blog(if you have one for us) to seperate ones.

It's kind of a lame way to end a blog, but I want to know how all y'all's school-experience is going!! What classes do you like? Which ones do you despise? Haha, just let me know!

Personally, school is ok for me, and I think with one minor adjustment, I just might actually like going: NO MATH CLASS. Seriously, it's such a major pain for me. I hate math!! My favorite classes are the marine biology class I'm taking at Woods Cross, and my American History class, because we have so many brainless idiots in the class, and also because I sit next to the foreign exchange student from Denmark; Sophia. We're kinda friends, and she's tight, but she's only here for one semester, which makes me sad. :(

It's kinda funny my marine biology class, we each get a shark egg that we have to "hatch"(do shark eggs even "hatch"??) and raise, but in my zoology class, we have to dissect a small species of shark later in the year. Kinda weird. And gross.

Well, all good things must come to an end, right?

Good bye "Random Thoughts at Random Times, by Random Girls: Oh, and Random Colors". It's been real. And it's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Tagged :D tagged me

A - ATTACHED OR SINGLE: Single. kinda sucks but hey
B - BEST FRIEND: not going to say their names but this summer i found out i have 3 best friends that i really pour my heart out to.
C - CAKE OR PIE: pie!!!! chocolate cream pie mmmm or apple mmmmm
D - DAY OF CHOICE: Friday! hm..or saturday because you get to start the day playin soccer :D
E - ESSENTIAL ITEM: phone..or my ipod.
F - FAVORITE COLOR: green and orange!
G - GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: um..making office, or making my new soccer team.
H - HOMETOWN: c-ville utah!
I - INDULGENCES: haha chocolate mostly
J - JANUARY OR JULY: summer is my favorite season..but i have to say january. SNOWBOARDING!!!
K - KIDS: none
L - LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT: my friends :) and soccer.
M - MARRIAGE DATE: a week from tomorrow.
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1. my 13-year-old bro, Alex.
O - ORANGES OR APPLES: Apples. "an apple a day keeps the doctor away"
P - PHOBIAS OR FEARS: losing someone i love.
Q - QUOTES: "live everyday like it's your last." "hanging out, making out, sneaking out, passing out, whatever happens, happens :)" "to the world you may be one person, to one person, you may be the world" oh i love quotes :)
R - REASON TO SMILE: my friends :) i love ya
S - SEASON: summer!! wooooo!!!
T - TAG SOME FRIENDS: kelsey... whoever else hasn't done it!
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: ..i don't think there are any.
V - VERY FAVORITE STORE: probably target. haha everything is there. for clothes...probably american eagle or kohls!!!!!!
W - WORST HABIT: biting my nails...talking too loud (i've heard that from people)
X - WENDY'S OR MCDONALD'S(sorry, not much goes with x's): definitely wendys!! jr bacon cheeseburger. oh yeah!
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: anything japanese....but lately i've been in love with pizza.
Z - ZODIAC: gemini....pretty dang interesting.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Copied...From A-Z

I'm copying my very awesome aunt on this "Tagged" post. She did this on hers, and now I want to do it on my blog, because I just loved it so much. So here goes:

A - ATTACHED OR SINGLE: Single. At the moment. :)
C - CAKE OR PIE: cake
D - DAY OF CHOICE: eh, I'd have to say Friday or Saturday. Or Tuesday. I just can't decide.
E - ESSENTIAL ITEM: cell phone and compact (I know, I'm such a girl)
F - FAVORITE COLOR: red, black, or purple
G - GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: finding and sticking to "who I am" (it sounds really deep, but it's honestly true)
H - HOMETOWN: Centerville, Utah
I - INDULGENCES: chocolate, sports, Utah Utes
K - KIDS: none
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 4 altogether: 19 year old brother, me, 12 year old brother, 10 year old sister
P - PHOBIAS OR FEARS: swimming without knowing what's beneath me
Q - QUOTES: "When you get the chance to sit it out or dance...I hope you dance.", "Taste every moment; live it out loud.", "Put something silly in the world, that ain't been there before."
R - REASON TO SMILE: playing with my family and dogs
S - SEASON: Spring...lots of rain.
T - TAG SOME FRIENDS: Ali, Jordan, Sean, Josh, Matt, Sami
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I'd tell ya, but then it wouldn't be unknown. Sorry.
V - VERY FAVORITE STORE: Hot Topic (I'm not goth, but you can find the coolest things in there!!)
W - WORST HABIT: wanting to be in charge/control; disagreeing
X - WENDY'S OR MCDONALD'S(sorry, not much goes with x's): Wendy's. By far.
Z - ZODIAC: Pisces


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jack Johnson!!!!

so..yesterday..i was hanging out..when all of the sudden...out of the very dear friend Katie said "hey ali, i have a free ticket to jack johson, wanna go?" YEAH!!! k, AWESOME concert! Jack Johnson is AMAZING! He sounds great live! I took some pictures but it was a little hard since I was far from the stage and JJ looked like an ant, so most of the pics were just of me and Katie. Anyway, here are some of the pics and a video from the concert..

Upside Down

(sorry if the video gives you motion sickness because it is so shaky.)

...and i tried to put "if i had eyes" right here but it isn't working :'(.

Katie and I :D

Our feet...with the stage in the back

The fun red wristbands they made us wear :D


Rogue Wave. They opened for JJ. They were actually kind of good! Check them out!

And jack johnson :D :D

Monday, August 18, 2008

SMACK. Reality hits.

Is it just me, or does time seem to be just flying by?? Holy cow, it seems like events in my life never cease to keep me busy, 24/7. And maybe this is just me again, but I wish the feeling and spirit of the Olympics could be here year-round. It seems like I'm growing up too fast, and maybe that's because... I am. Can you even believe that in two or so years, everyone will be going on missions, leaving for college, entering the real world?? I'M NOT READY FOR THAT!! I wanna be young, and carefree, and 6 again! I don't want responsibility. I want independence, but not the responsibility that comes with it. Ya know? Don't get me wrong, moving out ASAP after high school graduation is very near the top of my "life to-do list", but I can't say that I won't miss being in high school, and not having to pay for EVERYTHING. It's like yesterday, I was in second grade, worrying about getting to the swingset first at recess, and then I blinked, and here I am, a sixteen-year old junior in high school. High school. Can you believe it? Do you remember when you were in grade school, and you didn't know anyone who was in high school, because they seemed decades older than you? Well, now we're those unknowns!! And it's too crazy for me.

Slow down, World, I WANNA GET OFF!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Missing In Action how I feel. I feel like I haven't posted on here since before dinosaurs roamed the earth. But, I'm not MIA. In fact, I've just been pretty busy. Anyway, I just wanted to give a quick update on me, my life, and my hobbies. So here goes:

Not last week, but the week before, my club soccer team participated in the Adidas Strikerfest Soccer Tournament in Orem. We played a game on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and won all three. We played in the championship game(once again, might I add :) on Saturday, and it was crazy intense. At the end of regulation time, we were tied 1-1, so we went to overtime, where we were still tied at the end of that too. So, we went to the dreaded, feared, infamous shootout. Believe me, these are sooo nervewracking. I shot and scored in that, and we ended up winning the whole tournament; first place.(once again, might I add :) Expect that picture in the Clipper sometime soon too. (haha, I seem so full of myself, but I'm really not.)

I got in my first car accident on Monday, July 28!! It was so scary, and kind of ironic, because we were on the freeway, and the policeman in back of me rear-ended me. When does that happen to you?? I guess it wasn't his fault though, because the car in back of him hit the policeman into me, and me into the car in front of me. It's all ok now though, because my car's fine(dang dang dang dang dang), the other cars are fine, and me and my sister are both ok, although when we were hit from behind, my sister was playing on her "Nintendo DS", and it hit her in the head. I was sooo tempted to write "head lump caused by Nintendo DS" on the injury line when filling out the report.

I've seen Dark Knight twice now, and I still love love love it!! I'm going a third time too, because the stupid theaters I went to didn't show any Twilight trailers, which I'm totally stoked for.

I LOVE "THE TWILIGHT SAGA"!! I really do think that I'm obsessed. I don't know why I didn't start reading them earlier(actually, I do, because I don't like reading books that everybody has read. I like finding my own "buried treasure" :)! I LOVE THE WHOLE SERIES!!

I think it's possible for me to be moved into my new room by the end of this year. We've got most of our downstairs finished, and now we're beginning to paint. Our upstairs is still a mess though. Someday, somehow, I WILL have my own room.