Sunday, January 13, 2008

A Year to Remember--Morganne

Yo. So here I am, at the start of a new year, summing up all the great and exciting events in the awesome time span I like to call 2007. These 10 events are the most important/most influential events that happened to me in this past year. So...enjoy taking a journey through the most important times to me, during 2007.

btw, they go in order of least importance to greatest importance.

10. Changing from our family's white truck, to our new red truck...or monster. (it's also known as the "sex machine", if that rings any bells...)

9. Getting my new Siberian Husky, Koda! Sure, it sucks to have another dog die :(, but getting a new dog is just too much fun!

8. HAVING MY BROTHER GRADUATE FROM HIGHSCHOOL!! Honestly, I really didn't think he could do it.

My brother's a dork.

7. Finishing Jr. High/Starting High School. Friends. Drama. You gotta love it, right??

6. Viewmont Lady Vikes Soccer! I loved playing on the team this year, especially since my freshman year, I didn't get to. So fun.

5. (Not really entirely in 2007, but it was just too much fun to not mention.) Playing on CJH's basketball team for three consecutive years. My favorite year, by far, was my ninth grade year, because I started most games, and there were only three ninth graders! Partay!! I mean, it was a lot of....umm...hard work...

4. Getting back into snowboarding. So, if you didn't know, I LOVE snowboarding! But, for the past two years, I kinda just gave it up. But this year/last year, I've started again, and now I'm lovin it even more than before!

3. My Runnin' Utes. What can I say?? I'm a devoted fan, and 2007 was not a letdown, with the U of U achieving one of the best bowl game records in the country. So, yeah.

2. My favorite sport on water: jetskiing. Love it. Love it! I basically live to jetski! Anytime I went jetskiing this year was an important event to me.

1. Of course, soccer. Soccer basically runs my life, and I can't get enough of it. My team, the Cougars, is my favorite team ever, because we're all so close of friends! And we have taken second or first in so so many of the tournaments we have been in. Here we are at the Dixie Cup, last Thanksgiving (where I cracked my rib...).

And that's my life during 2007 in a nutshell.


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

What!? I wasn't in your list! :'(

Shua said...

(heavy breathing) wow! that was a roller-coaster ride!

Jk, I'm with jordan

Kate said...

Hey, you don't know me, but you'd probably like me if you did. Maybe. I'm sort of weird (but in an awesome sort of way), you can ask Josh. (He's my cousin.)

Anyway, I love finding other girls that blog! It's so cool!

Morganne, I'm so with you- the Utes were amazing! Unfortunatly, B** had more wins overall, but that's not taking into account all the injuries the Utes had in the beginning of the season. So we are definitly the better team.:)