Sunday, February 3, 2008

100 random, but incredibly important things about me

I'm bored. And I'm (Morganne)stealing ideas from other blogs by doing an "About Me" list. So sue me. ;)

1. I basically live for soccer (even though I still suck).
2. My very favorite number for everything and all time is 16.
3. I love any books by Nicholas Sparks.
4. I also love Mitch Albom.
5. I've got some creepy stalker kids. Join the club.
6. I love spinach and squash.
7. And cheesecake.
8. I'm sick of drama.
9. I'm sick of friends pretending to be your friends, and then they just flake on you. (see #8)
10. I've only got a month (and counting) to prepare to be 16.
11. Hey, that gives me another reason to love the number sixteen: it's my next age! :)
12. I also basically live to jetski.
13. Oh, and snowboarding. I do love snowboarding.
14. The only book I've read more than twice is The Island of the Blue Dolphins, and it's because it's my favorite book.
15. My best friend from "my childhood"'s name is Kimberly Miller.
17. Kimi and I made up names for each other: I was Porgee (don't ask), and she was Amber (also, don't ask).
18. We used to pretend to be the Spice Girls.
19. We kinda stopped being friends after second grade, when I left the private school we both went to. :'(
20. We almost reunited on the return plane trip from Hawaii, where I sat next to her mom, and she sat behind me. We exchanged numbers. But I haven't talked to her since then. :(
21. It's one of my biggest regrets.
22. I miss Mykelle so so much, I cry sometimes.
23. I hate movies that have no point.
24. I also hate songs with no point.
25. I can only listen to country music for several songs before it all begins to sound like it's the same song being replayed.
26. I had appendicitis when I was 8. (April 4, 2000)
27. I LOVE water.
28. I feel like one of those people that don't share much about their true self, or the stuff that matters about them, unless I REALLY trust you.
29. I love the movie We Are Marshall.
30. I love to write when I have something substantial and meaningful to write about. Otherwise, I hate it.
31. My favorite breakfast is ham fried rice.
32. That's because I absolutely LOOOVVVEE chinese food.
33. I am fascinated by dolphins and their behaviors. (It's a stretch for me to say that to anyone...)
34. I have no idea where my life is going.
35. I don't know if I ever will.
36. I love to watch football on tv or in real life.
37. Even more, I love to watch U OF U FOOTBALL.
38. My favorite time is 12:34.
39. I love competition.
40. I've never been to EFY, and I don't think I ever will.
41. My favorite season is Spring.
42. I like to play basketball, when we have set plays.
43. I loved playing for Centerville Jr.'s team.
44. Especially when you have Coach Plant for a coach.
45. Coach Mauerman...not so much.
46. I want to go to USC or Portland State for college.
47. Or maybe a little more realistic...the U of U. Yeah, baby!
48. Viewmont soccer is not all it's cracked up to be.
49. Neither is Coach Landon.
50. My favorite vacation I've ever been on was to Florida.
51. Coming in at a close second is Montana.
52. Yes, Montana.
53. Snowmobiling is not as fun as jetskiing.
54. I used to be afraid to swim in lakes, because I thought the fish would eat me.
55. That was two years ago. :)
56. I love to go shopping, except for the part where I go broke.
57. My favorite candy is peanut M & M's.
58. That, or Twix.
59. I love dogs.
60. I wish all cats would die. But then what would dogs eat?? Hmm.... ;)
61. I want to own a Sheltie, or a German Shepherd, a Doberman, a Rotweiller (sp?), or a Boxer. But mainly a Sheltie or a German Shepherd.
62. Rather than any German Shepherd, I want Kaiser back.
63. Honestly, no other dog even comes close in comparison to him.
64. I love the movie The Guardian.
65. I love the rain.
66. I have summer-fever.
67. Or maybe it's jetskiing-fever.
68. I love doing random, impromptu things.
69. I love doing stuff with my close girl-friends.
70. Sometimes.
71. I'm kinda sick of writing stuff about me on this blog.
72. I love making new friends.
73. My dad has 11 kids in his family, and it seems like each of those kids has 11 kids, and those kids are having 11 kids.....basically, I hate awkward hugs with relatives you don't even know at family reunions, and especially when they ask you "Do you remember me?", because I always say "no", because I really don't. Oh bother.
74. Maybe some of those people aren't even my relatives....How would I know, right??
75. Every time I go to St. George, I see this creepy homeless guy, and he always smirks at me. It's really creepy. And seriously, I mean I ALWAYS see him.
76. I love all the new friends I've made this year.
77. A few of them a little more than the others....
78. My favorite Disney movie is Peter Pan.
79. I'm not too fond of the girly, mushy, chick-flicks.
80. I really like the Lamborghini Countach's.
81. As a DREAM car. Emphasis on the DREAM part.
82. I wish I was happy with myself.
83. I'm not scared of dying, but I am scared that someone close to me will die, and then I will miss them so much.
84. Sam Sappenfield's goat, Bam Bam, was born on the same day as I was.
85. But I had that birthday first.
86. No one can say my name right the first time, and one time, I was called margarine. Close enough. (actually, it's butter...jk)
87. I love photography.
88. Anytime I tell someone what my dream job and my plans to achieve it are, they laugh because they think I am kidding. But I'm not.
89. I don't really like soda/carbonated drinks anymore.
90. My first competition soccer team's name was Keahi, and we went undefeated for two seasons.
91. No one could say that name either.
92. If I had a superpower, it would be the ability to freeze time.
93. I'm terribly afraid of sharks.
94. But I'm still intrigued by them.
95. I keep wondering what my snowboard instructor, Dave, is up to.
96. Whenever I go to a restaurant with Alyssa, we ask the waiter what "herbs" are in our food, but we say the "h" part. "Herbs".
97. I've been kicked out of Macy's twice, once for playing games in the store, and the second time for jumping on the beds. Oops.
98. I still share a room with my sister.
99. And I still hate it.
100. I love Imogen Heap, especially "Speeding Cars".

What else do you need to know?


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

What is this dream job that everyone laughs at? I also had appendicitis... when I was 8!

ali said...

Good list morgANNE. haha jk. I really did learn a lot in that..random list. Spinach? ....Peter Pan? teeheehee. Imogen Heap ROCKS! I was listening to it while reading the list :D

Shua said...

I really enjoyed your list. I totally agree with #83. I totally agreed with a lot of them. But especially #83.

Kate said...

Some of my favorites:
6. It's so refreshing to know there's someone else that likes "gross" food!
10. Lucky.
14. You've only read one book more than TWICE?
23. Does this include Napoleon Dynamite? If so, I don't think we could be friends. j/k :)
25. Ditto.
37. YEAH!! ME TOO!
40. EFY rocks.
54. I wasn't afraid of fish, just of not knowing what was under me.
58. Twix. Twix is the best.
60. I like cats. And if all cats die, what would we do about all the mice?
66. Me too.
78. Mine is Robin Hood.

I heart your blog!

(How come you don't comment on mine?)