Tuesday, April 15, 2008

"We're going to be friends forever right?" "Yeah....forever"

Sorry to everyone that I (Ali) haven't posted in like a decade. I really have been busy with soccer, school, campaigns, piano, and all this other fun stuff...but I'd have to say my main reason I haven't been posting is just because I really can't think of anything to post about. I was thinking about my friends today though and how much I love them to death. I also saw the perfect quote in painting class on a piece of art made by the girl that sits by me. ...I didn't exactly ask if I could use this quote but it was from Aimee Nielsen, so thanks. This is about past friendships...


Ohhh I miss her so much! Hanna was my best friend in the whole world growing up. She was living in the house right across from me when we moved in so she was basically my very first friend. We were constantly together. Our days consisted of playing outside bright and early in the morning, eating lunch, going to preschool/next year was kindergarten, coming home and playing until dinner. Then the day would start all over again. We were in the same class k-2nd grade, and we'd always walk to school together. We'd always be together during recess, whether it was jump roping or chasing the boys. We had so much fun. We went trick-or-treating together, with both of our dad's by our sides. Our families were great friends too. She had a younger brother (Josh) who my little brother (Alex) was always with. Her older sisters would babysit Alex and I anytime my parents had to leave. Both of our families went to Lake Powell together, camped, went dirtbiking, and just hung out. Hanna's dad and my dad even coached our soccer team together one year. Go Silver Eagles! haha that was fun. I remember always playing outside with all of our other friends in the neighborhood too. Playing house with Whit, Maddy, Weston, and Colton (who always insisted on being the dog.) Great fun :D Anyway, then the bad day came in 2nd grade when we found out she was moving :( Idaho... Bad news. I remember the day my family went and helped them pack up everything into the moving truck. (Hanna, Me, Alex, and Josh just sat on their front lawn and ate sour patch straws.)
Hanna and I were really good at keeping in touch. We always wrote letters and talked on the phone. Her sister married my neighbor so they would also visit every so often. Once in a while I'd have a weekend long soccer tournament in Logan so we'd drive up to Idaho to say hi. It was good, but I still missed having her right by me. Then..wonderful news in jr. high! She was moving back to Utah! Kaysville! :D I was sooooo happy! We talked on the phone and decided we were going to hang out...eventually. I would always run into her when I was at soccer because she practiced at the same field, and I saw her during track. I loved it!
The bad thing is though...she lives so much closer now, and we still haven't hung out! I'm not sure why, probably because we both have new friends now-her being a dart and all :( haha jk- plus we're a lot busier. We still talk though and promise eachother we're going to hang out soon. Haha, our dad's hang out more than we do! That's sad. It will be fun to hang out though! Exciting stuff! Anyway, there's my story about one of the coolest friends ever! I was going to write my second story on another friendship, another time though, this one is long enough. You guys will get really bored. Sorry for this long one. Comment please! -Oh and to all my friends, I love ya :)


morganne said...

Uh, maybe it was just me that missed the "friendsip quote". Where is it?

ali said...

The title haha sorry should've cleared that up

Kelsey Facer said...

holy cripes!! that's like the cutest picture ever. and i love hearing about stories from the good ol days....
dang, high school sucks.
love ya ali!

Matt said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, cute picture.
