Friday, May 23, 2008

..I really don't want to vent...but I will anyway.

I(Ali) am not really someone who likes to share her problems with the world. I feel like I'm whining...but tonight...I think that's exactly what I'll be doing. So you can stop reading RIGHT NOW.

1)This week has been super rough. My team split up. Well..k, me and a few teammates have been abadoned. Wow. I didn't know this day would come with the Wasatch 92 Premier team. This hits me hard. These girls were my sisters. They were great. We've come so far after problems in the past. In one year we went to England together, we won Turkey Shoot, and went to the College Showcase in Las Vegas. So many things went on behind the scenes though, but that's a different story. Anywho, so this week has been hectic/sad/full of anger, as me, my coaches, and another teammate have been scrambling around looking for a place to go next spring. On a good note,it has actually been going quite well. My dad's talked to some people, my coach has too, and my teammate/captain have decided we're going to get through this together. Hopefully things work out for the both of us.
2)My grades are down the toilet. K..I guess they could be worse, but they're low for me and I don't want to end my sophmore year with a report card like that. With hardly any time left to get them up, I'm stressing out. Yesterday, I was in drivers ed. We had a written test. Yeah, I didn't do the greatest on it..but I didn't think it'd bring my grade down as much as it did. I was at 100% and now I'm at a letter grade which will most likely get me punished. Joy. Then, during math, I get my final test back. It was optional, and I could use it to replace another test score from earlier in the term. It replaced one, and brought my grade up a whoppin 2%..again, leaving me with a grade I hadn't hoped for. Then, finally, in debate, (k, I guess this isn't a grade thing, its just my embarassing moment of yesterday) I had to give my oratory (a ten-minute long memorized speech on a subject you're very passionate about.) I chose poverty. I thought I prepared it well, I got it memorized and within the time-limit. The very first time I practiced it at my house though, I found myself crying. This subject is a little hard to handle. I ran through it more and more, and the tears eventually stopped. Then I did it in front of the class.
I was fine for the most part. A little bit in the beginning I started choking up but it was ok once I started feeling a little more confident. I got all the way through and down to my last sentence. Just one more sentence. I looked at my friend Dani...and her eyes were full of tears. Here come the waterworks for me. I spit that last sentence out while feeling the tears coming on, then the clapping came, and-oh it was just embarassing.
3) Today It started out unhappy,(with a small time of happiness after passing my driving test!) but then I was really excited for Spring Fling. I guess it didn't go the way I was expecting. I didn't end up going to the Rec Center...I watched soccer instead. That was actually pretty fun, and intense. I also got to hear some great guitar music that I'd never heard before. Still though, I didn't get to talk to a certain someone for as long as I hoped I would because I ended up cutting my Spring Fling short.
HAPPY PART! A little later today I went to my soccer game. We were playing an older team, a couple of the girls being on the high school team that honestly, I'm not too fond of. We beat them. We didn't have the greatest season this year offensively and we totally had a turnaround this game. Playing with: the few girls on my team that were left after that whole WWIII, my teammates that are younger and double roster, and a couple guest players, and only one sub, we pulled it off. It was great. :)

So now, here I am blogging on a friday night. Ya know? Sometimes my parents bug me..not gonna lie. I really hate saying that because I know they do so for me, and I really do love them to death. Oh well. So I think I want to end my sadness right now, and be happy...but how? about MANCHESTER UNITED WINNING THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!!?? WOO! oh and-

Oh boy I can't wait! Summer means no school! :D (most of us anyway) Also--summer means my b-day...which means 16...which means L-I-C-E-N-S-E!! I'm really excited to just be able to spend a lot more time with everyone this summer! Fun! Oo and travel a few places :D! Anyway, so get through these last 2 days everyone and hope you have a WONDERFUL summer! =)


Kate said...

Yikes! What a rough week! But hey look at the bright side, you COULD be taking summer school, your tv COULD have stopped working so you couldn't watch soccer, it COULD be raining, you COULD have failed your tests, you COULD have been struck by lightning, your summer vacation is NOT canceled, you WILL eventually turn 16, and you DID win your game. So sorry about your nasty week, but hey it could always be worse.

morganne said...

ALI!! STORY OF MY LIFE!! This year has left me stressed beyond the point of my normal capacity, and the only way I've learned to deal with it(drama, homework, soccer, etc.) is to just not care anymore. My philosophy is that whatever is "meant to happen", will. Maybe your cumulative GPA throughout high school won't get you into an awesome school, but maybe you weren't "meant" to go to that school anyway, and you'll receive more life lessons and whatnot at another school.

I guess I just got sick of trying so hard for everything, and not receiving any positive feedback, so I just began to not care, and to let the cards fall where they may.

p.s.(if you and I are on the same team together(most likely), that'll be super super super fun, and I'm super super super excited!)

Kelsey Facer said...

ali....all i can say is, wow. i am so sorry!!!! that sounds like a crap load of stuff that sucks like none other...but i do like morganne's theory. just let the chips...fall where they may! hahah i love she's the man.
well i hope it all works out for you!!