Sunday, January 27, 2008

My Favorite Movies (Ali)

So I'm really bored and I feel like posting something...but I don't know what.
Here is another list, it's my favorite movies with my favorite lines:

1. The Italian Job Oh boy, is this an awesome movie or what? Definitley number one on my list. I don't know what I love about it. The actors are great, it has humor, it's action-packed, the mini coopers are awesome! I don't really know what to say about it (which, stinks because it's the best movie ever) except if you haven't seen it then you need to stop reading this post right now and watch it.

-"This dude got dogs, I don't do dogs. I had a- a bad experience."
-"What happened?"
-" I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE. Dang it, I'M deaf."

2. Goal! The Dream Begins A great movie for the soccer lover. That's not true--it's a great movie for any sports lover. It basically showed that it doesn't matter who you are,where you come from, or how much money you have. If you have a dream and you follow it, it can come true. Even though it was just a movie, I think it had a great message.

-"Do I need to bring my ID or something?"
-"Yeah, like how old you have to be to get a drink here in England?"

3. Matilda haha yeah, Matilda. It is such a cute movie. Mara Wilson was great. Her character is so smart and funny, and she just makes you laugh. I don't know if very many people my age would think it's a good movie....but I still love it! Yeah-it's not a great movie to watch if you're hanging out with your friends or whoever but maybe on one of those nights when you are stuck babysitting your 4-year-old niece, nephew, brother, sister, whoever. Matilda just makes you smile! :)

-"No more miss nice girl."

4. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Total chick flick, I know. It's really good though. I used to love to watch it with my 3 best friends because we all felt like we could relate to how they felt. It's just a great movie about friendship and growing up.

-"Are you scared? "
-"Not of dying, really It's more that I'm afraid of time. And not having enough of it. Time to figure out who I'm supposed to be... to find my place in the world before I have to leave it. I'm afraid of what I'll miss."

5. She's the Man. This movie is so funny! Amanda Bynes is so good. She's so sarcastic and she just gets you cracking up! And it's about the best sport ever! Can't get much better than that. There are so many funny lines in that movie, I think I have to do more than one.

-"So, uh, you play the beautiful game... bros... brothers... brethren? "
-" I gotta go change my feet."
-" So, uh, do you... like cheese? "
-"More than any other animal by-product. "

haha so much more......

6. School of Rock I don't know about you guys but I love this movie. A lot of people think it is the stupidest thing ever but I think it's way funny! I like Jack Black.....sometimes, not very often. In this, he was really good. There are a lot of funny comments and just the plot itself is funny.

-"Sell my guitars? Would you tell Picasso to sell his guitars?"
- "Nailed it. And fifty-four is forty-five more than what is the answer, Marta? "
-"Nine. "
-"No, it's eight."
-" ...No, it's nine."
-" ...Yes, I was testing you... it's nine. And that's a magic number."

7. A Walk To Remember Yes, another chick flick. The book was written by my favorite author so I couldn't wait when the movie came out. Mandy Moore is a great actress and singer. She went from being the snobby bratty girl in The Princess Diaries to the quiet, shy, good girl in A Walk To Remember. It's about Jamie and Landon who are two completely opposite people, who then learn to like eachother, and later fall in love. It's a great movie for any girl, and I've heard from guys who think it's pretty good too! And no...they aren't on the fruity side, I promise.

*Spoiler (sorry but it's my favorite part)

-"Do you love me?"

[Jamie nods]

-"Will you do something for me, then?"


-"Will you marry me?"

8.Finding Nemo Does anybody else still love this movie or am I the only one? I really need to go watch this, I haven't seen it in ages. What else can I say about it? I'm pretty sure everyone has seen this. If you haven't.....that's a problem.

The last lines in the movie

-" We did it!"


-"Now what?"

9. The Longest Yard I know this movie isn't the cleanest. It's really crude and it has really bad language....well duh, it has Adam Sandler in it. I still find it really funny though. There are a lot of funny characters in it, and I thought it kind of showed a different side of Adam Sandler than the other movies I've seen him in. Another good one that had that same effect on me of him was case anyone wants to know.

- He broke-ded my nose

-Let me try to fix that. [Crewe fixes his nose]

-How do I look?

-Much better, more distinguished. Kind of like a young Michael Jackson.

-I love little Mikey

10. Underworld It's about vampires and wearwolves. I don't know why I like it, because normally I don't think that would really interest me. One time my dad and I found it on tv and I really liked it! It is about how there is a war going on between the vampires and the wearwolves (Lycans). Then a human gets involved, and the Lycans are trying to capture him. Then a vampire (the main character) falls in love with him, and there is a lot to explain, so I'll just say it's a great movie! I would say it's mostly an action/adventure movie, not really a romance like I made it sound. So another great movie to see!

I don't really have a favorite line :( sorry

-So those were my top 10 favorite movies. Ok-well after number 3, it probably wasn't the most accurate, they were just the movies that were coming to my head. I'm sure I'll think of one soon that should've been on that list, but anyway, if you haven't seen any of those, you should definitley watch them! Oh, and if someone has an idea on something to post, let me know because I'm already out of ideas.


Lyle Jordan Parry said...

Oh wow! I have only seen like 3 and a 1/2 of those.

morganne said...

Wow, you like a lotta chick flicks...:) Goal's such a great movie; let's watch that later(and juno...), k? I love She's the Man too!

"Malcolm, have you ever tried to run away in high heels? Not that easy...Not that easy."

"Go ahead, have a sit, in the headmaster's chair, have a sit!" (I think that's how it goes...)

"You may have noticed that recently I've started thinning out myself."

Haha, good times, good times.

Maybe I'll post a list of my favorite movies later too. Hmm...

Superman Survivor said...

ya, when I saw the Italian Job the other day, I thought it was awesome!