Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Year to Remember--Ali

What's up everyone? 2008 has come! I can't wait to see what's in store for this new year. New things to try, new people to meet, new places to go, I'm excited! First though, I thought maybe I would write about last year. I know some people like to read lists...I'm not really sure. But, here are some great things that happened to me in 2007. BTW, they aren't in order of how much i enjoyed them, they're just in order of when they happened.

  1. I started out the year 2007 the same way I started out 2008. SNOWBOARDING!!! What better way to start? I got to hang out with my 2 awesome cousins, and see a whole other side of the mountain that I had never been to. It was great!

  2. I graduated from junior high! Yes, I was a little sad to leave all the cool teachers and some younger friends, but I was so excited to start high school!

  3. I got my first real job. Firehouse Pizza. Yeah, it wasn't all fun, and it was very hard work. It taught me a lot of responsibility though, and what the working life is like. They paid pretty well....but that was about the only good thing. I just needed a lot of extra money..which brings me to my next experience:

  4. Definitley the highlight of 2007! England. I went to England in July with my soccer team to go to the Manchester United Soccer School. I got to spend a whole week, doing what I love most, playing soccer. I became a lot closer with my team, and improved in soccer. I also made new friends from around the world, one of them being someone who definitely changed my life.

  5. I made the high school soccer team. Yeah, I must admit, I do like playing club soccer a million times more, but it was a really good experience. I met new people, and learned some stuff from the coaches. I felt like it was a whole different style of play, but it was good to try something different!

  6. Cut drama out of my life. I know this may not be all good, I lost some friends in the process, but its gone. It has been a while since I've come home from being with my friends and had a bad time, so I'm happy about that. I've made a lot of new friends, and have become closer than ever with one who has stuck with me through it all!

  7. I started high school!! I was so excited..and yet really nervous to go to a new school. I love it though. The people, the teachers, and most of the classes are so fun! I also really like how there are 4 classes in a day, and an hour lunch....for most of us anyway. This was a great part of 2007!

  8. Won Turkey Shoot. Wow-what a great feeling. This was a great accomplishment for my team. We worked so hard the second high school season ended. It all paid off! Our prize? COLLEGE SHOWCASE BABY! After a nice holiday break, we are back together and working even harder for the chance to impress college coaches.

  9. The Christmas Dance. That was a fun weekend! It was my very first dance, which I was very excited about. I got to see the beautiful lights at Temple Square, eat a wonderful dinner..thanks to the Turville's, dress up..which I don't do often, and pretty much just hang out with some of my favorite people and have a blast! So thanks to Kelsey for organizing everything, and of course Jordan for making it one of the best weekends!

  10. The Holiday Break. Yeah, i sat around a lot, but I still had fun! I got to hang out with a lot of people, spend time with my family, and of course, celebrate Christmas and New Year's!

So those are most of the great things that I did in 2007, there are much more...I just can't think of them. Plus, I want to make it an even 10. So anyway, here are some pics!

My team after we won Turkey Shoot!

The Christmas Dance :)

England Pics:

This is after our first training session in England. There is so much mud over there!


Those awesome little english telephone booths!

It's a little blurry, but does it sound familiar??


morganne said...

We like to use pictures, wouldn't ya think??

Johnny-Bravo-Wanna-Be said...

Man, you are so lucky that you got to go to england.....

~Matt Montgomery

Lyle Jordan Parry said...

I like the pictures. I liked the Christmas dance too. :D